Save Our Services

Rotherham Hospital is being forced to cut £50 million, with expensive consultants brought in to make the plans. Now is the time to say "Yes!" to support our local NHS services and "No!" to Tory cuts and privatisation.

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Why we’re asking for your support

We want to see Rotherham hospital continue to provide the best possible care and a full range of services locally to Rotherham people – free at the point of use according to need.

Since 2010, the Tory-led government has begun the biggest reorganisation of the National Health Service ever, costing billions of pounds. Their plan is for more and more plan is for more and more NHS services to be provided by private companies, with those who can afford it being able to jump waiting lists.

At the same time, the pressure on Rotherham Hospital has grown. A&E waiting times are up. Now the Government is forcing the hospital to cut £50 million from its budget, with expensive consultants to make the plans.

Over the coming months, there will be big decisions made about which NHS services continue to be provided at our local hospital. As well as tightening the financial pressures on the hospital, the policies of the Tory-led government increase the chances that services will have to be provided elsewhere, or by private providers. They also mean that the hospital may be more dependent on income from private practice, reducing the resources that can be used for NHS patients.

So it’s really important that all Rotherham residents pull together to stand up for our hospital. Now is the time for us to join together to say:

  • Yes! To good quality, efficient NHS services provided locally
  • No! To the government’s cuts and privatisation

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